Monday, November 5, 2012


    As you know, yesterday I wrote about people using poor spelling in their routine on- and off-line correspondence and on their social spaces like Facebook and Twitter. It made me remember a book I saw years ago at a friend's house called Cake Wrecks, which you can check out here. The author is Jen Yates, and I found her blog, Cake Wrecks, which is just as hilarious and pithy as that book I flipped through. 
     Translation often involves working in conjunction with transcribers, and I have often found myself in the position of having to interpret what a transcriber has written due to spelling or other mistakes that happen in the process of transcribing. These cakes are a really funny testament to the cake decorator's role as a part-decorator, part-transcriber (all courtesy of I only wish that these bakeries had had a translator or an editor to catch their terrible transcriptions and spelling and punctuation mishaps!

1 comment:

  1. I've seen a few of these over the years and they are hilarious!
