Monday, January 16, 2012

2012 Translation Resolution

Happy 2012! What are your resolutions for this year? My main personal resolution is to remember to slow down and enjoy my life at least once every day. That means that even in the midst of my busiest days, I have to stop at some point, even if it is just for five or ten minutes, to smile, be grateful, and BE HAPPY. It is working so far. Professionally, I want to spread the word about my services in a much bigger way, using this blog, social media, and my Elance page (if you haven't visited Elance, check out my Elance widget to the right). I just read an article today in which the author commented that as good as a translation is, it always varies from translator to translator and never says exactly what the original text says.I understand the author's point;the very word "translation" implies variance from the original. Yet, is that a negative frustrating thing? The author seems to think so. I, however, disagree. A translator's work is to understand the source text completely and convey it in a new way, in a new language, for a new audience. An exact copy of what is being said wouldn't be desirable in that it would probably not resonate in the same way with the new audience as it did with the original audience. Therefore, a translator must take some license to make choices that convey the original message as accurately as possible FOR THE NEW AUDIENCE and in the new language. What do you think?